Monday, 10 August 2009

Trilogy intro - plus turmeric/curcumin

The next three posts all seem to go together so I’m going to publish them, hopefully in the order they were written (“MS is getting on my nerves” first), on the same day.

However, even after eighteen months’ blogging, I’m not sure of the best way to go about it. I do want three separate posts, each with its own title and its own window…

Oh, I don’t know, I suppose if I succeed, this little bit will be pointless. Regardless of whether the posts themselves are still topical - which they won’t be, if I don’t get a move on!…

How about, then (just in case), I say something here to make this post, alone, worthwhile? Well, I can try…

Turmeric. Most notably, its curcumin component.

Wow! I have been using turmeric powder, twice a day – morning and bedtime – for the last few months and my gosh, I’m seeing, and feeling, improvements in my MS. My legs are less painful and stronger. I have more energy and keep going longer and more often. My brain (they say it’s a good preventative of Alzheimer’s and I can believe it!) has been on overdrive and I can’t stop writing/studying/writing again. I feel more optimistic about the future and am even making plans for it.

All this, as well as saving my life as a bronchodilator. And I know it has.

There you go! Turmeric/curcumin. I’m sure I’ll be talking/raving about it again, soon.

But first, those three posts…


Anonymous said...

Hello. It is great that at least you pour more light on this issue. Thanks.

Raceya said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I have been researching curcumin for my MS and just bought some today at Whole foods. I am extremely happy for you and look forward to experiencing some strength and energy myself!