Friday, 12 October 2007

Symptoms of Candida Albicans

(with help from Leon Chaitow* to compensate for memory-loss!):

- anxiety;
- depression;
- irritability;
- chronic fatigue;
- abdominal pain;
- constipation;
- diarrhoea;
- bloating/wind;
- allergies;
- acne;
- migraine;
- cystitis;
- thrush;
- pre-menstrual tension (PMT);
- menstrual problems;
- sensitivity to perfumes (Multi-Chemical Sensitivity – MCS);
- poor memory;
- inability to concentrate;
- feelings of unreality;
- numbness, tingling and weak muscles;
- blurred vision;
- nasal congestion,
- etc. etc.

* CANDIDA ALBICANS Could yeast be your problem? by Leon Chaitow N.D. D.O.. Published by Healing Arts Press, USA (1998). ISBN: 0-89281-795-X

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